Our research is focused on neuropsychology of human cognition in norm and pathology. The main topics of our studies are temporal aspects of information processing, time perception, language, memory (with a special focus on working memory), learning, attention, executive functions and are aimed at development of novel diagnostic and therapy methods.
The research involves normal subjects (children, adults), individuals suffering from various brain diseases (stroke, focal brain damage, cognitive impairments, dementia), and subjects with speech and/or language disorders (language learning impairment, aphasia, deafness, stuttering, infantile autism).
Individual diffrences in subjective experience of time: neuropsychological, EEG and fMRI markers
Principle Investigator: Professor E. Szeląg
More information on: National Science Centre's and
project's webpages.
Mutual Agreement on collaboration between the Nencki Institute and the University Cork College for the use of Dr. Neuronowski® software in the University College Cork, projekt „The application of training in temporal information processing using Dr Neuronowski® program in children with dyslexia”
Principle Investigator: Professor E. Szeląg
Neural correlates of temporal information processing therapy in aphasic subjects
Principle Investigator:A. Szymaszek, PhD, DSc
More information on: National Science Centre's and
project's webpages.
How to increase the mental fitness in elderly adults: cognitive training or physical exercise
(in collaboration with SWPS UNIVERSITY)
Principle Investigators: Professor E. Szeląg (Nencki Institute) & Professor H. Bednarek (SWPS UNIVERSITY)
More information on: National Science Centre's webpage.
An innovative program supporting speech and cognitive disorders therapy
Principle Investigator: Professor E. Szeląg
More information on: dr Neuronowski webpage.